



1. '''SKU XXXXX, Missing Attributes standard_product_id. SKU XXXXX does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes: standard_product_id. Feed ID: 0. '''

- 品牌卖家:

- 商品备案出现问题

- 商品货号mfrpartnumber重复或错误

- brand 和生产商是否填写正确

- 普通商家:upc失效或重复

2. '''The SKU data provided conflicts with the Amazon catalog.The standard_product_id value(s) provided correspond to the ASIN XXXX , but some information contradicts with the amazon catalog.The folloing are the attribute value(s) that are conflicting: (Merchant: XXX /Amazon: XXXA).If your products is this ASIN, then modify your data to reflect the Amazon catalog values.Else, check your standard_product_id are correct.'''

- 属性填写错误,或者upc重复

- 这个EAN是被别的卖家用过了

3. '''Greetings from Amazon Seller Support, From your email, I can understand that there are product images appearing in "Description" of product listing and you'd like to know the reason.Please be informed that this product is directly dealt by Amazon warehouse so only the image from the manufacturer is being displayed in the description of the product listings as requested by Amazon. I would like to inform you that as per Amazon policy sellers are unable to add images to the description area and it is purely done by Amazon.'''

- 亚马逊规则上是不鼓励和支持卖家在描述里面添加图片的,所有的图片都应该添加在图片区域,而非产品描述区域。

- 品牌卖家可以联系亚马逊官方在产品描述中添加图片

4. '''XML Parsing Fatal Error at Line 1, Column 2315: The reference to entity "height" must end with the ';' delimiter..'''

- 图片链接中不能出现&符号,?符号

- 变体信息的值中也不能出现&符号,如果是参数和变体属性包含“&”符号的话,建议用户用“-”替换“&”,

5. 一直上传的话,去upload表找到对应商品,查看上传数据的submission_id,,然后就submission_id添加到 RedisUtil("amazon_upload_queue", RedisUtil.RU_L)这个队列里面

6. 商品信息不一致,要先在亚马逊后台点击编辑商品按钮,看商品信息是否正确。另外要看上传成功时商品信息是否正确,一般情况下时亚马逊自己对商品进行了修改,因为可能不符合亚马逊要求。如果后台信息正确,前台不一致,那么联系亚马逊客服解决。

7. '''We cannot associate an image with this SKU because the SKU was not created due to another error. Correct all other errors associated with it and resubmit your inventory file to resolve this error.'''

- 要想问一下是不是要亚马逊后台删除过这些sku,,如果是的话,。解决办法:1,等待24小时在上传;2,更换sku和upc在上传。如果不是,重新点击上传就行拉。

8. '''We cannot process this request because your account is still being setup or there is an issue with the account. Please log in to Seller Central for more details.'''

- 用户在授权时遇到 ==请您检查您输入的信息是否有误== 时,可能的原因是账户创建时间太短,或者账户本身出了一些问题。另外,只有专业卖家才可以进行授权,查看方式如下:

- '''第一步:进入Amazon卖家后台 后点击右上角 Settings---Account info'''

- '''第二步:选择第1项“Selling Plan", 点击右侧的”Modify Plan"'''

- '''第三步: Selling on Amazon: Professional (专业账户) 反之如果是写着“Individual"那就是个人账户'''

9. '''feed rejected'''

- 账号问题,需要重新授权一下

- 账户长时间未出单


